Industrial Air Conditioning
Systems for Production Areas, Warehouse Facilities & Distribution Centres
Industrial air conditioning systems can provide cool air during the summer months for industrial applications such as large-scale manufacturing, production facilities, storage and distribution warehouses.
At Chillaire we have successfully designed, supplied and installed industrial air conditioning solutions using the cross flow ventilation technique.
One example of how industrial air conditioning works is using high speed, but relatively quiet plate axial fans installed in an external wall at one end of the building, extracting air out with large mechanically operated louvre grilles at the opposite end of the building, again into an external wall, allowing natural fresh air to be taken back into the building, the whole system would be wired through a common control panel.

● Daikin D1 Business Partner ● Mitsubishi Electric Accredited Installer ●
Control Solutions for Industrial Air Conditioning Systems
The control panel can house all of the switch gear, relays and the temperature controller. Temperature detectors are installed at various points in the building and wired back to the control panel. The temperature controller takes the average of all of the readings and activates the ventilation system to operate according to the desired temperature set point, so maintaining the lower comfortable working temperature in the area by creating air movement, even when the ambient temperature in summer is rising.
The same can be achieved by using roof fans and having return air grilles around the side walls in all the walls of the building, at various points.

Industrial Factory & Warehouse Gas Fired Heating
For the winter months, when the ambient temperature is low in large spaces such as warehouses or factories, we can supply and install gas fired warm air units to provide space heating.
You have options of having floor mounted warm air units or ceiling suspended warm air units, these systems when designed correctly can deliver warm air to a very large area very effectively and quickly. These units also have the facility to have ducting plenum boxes installed, so that the air can be delivered into specific a area.
Space or Spot Heating Solutions for Industrial Air Conditioning Applications
For local space or spot heating we have designed and installed radiant tube heaters, these are ideal for heating space in a particular area within a building. Unlike warm air units that are designed to warm up air throughout the factory or warehouse, radiant tube heaters can be used to provide warm air to a target area, where only a few personnel may be working. This is particularly effective when heating is not required for the rest of the building.

Destratification Fans for Industrial Air Conditioning Applications
Destratification fans are essential in large warehouse or factory areas, these are axial fans installed into a steel or plastic casing with a thermostat attached to the side, wired to the fan, they operate on a 3 amp, 240 volt power supply.
These fans are designed to circulate the warm air trapped at high level in the factory or warehouse roof void. They can be preset to automatically operate when the temperatures reach 20ºC to 25ºC to push down the warm air that has risen to high level by the warm air units at floor level.
It is proven that temperatures in large open spaces can vary by 10ºC from floor to roof level in large warehouses. These fans can prevent rising wasted heat trapped up at high level and can deliver it back down to floor level where it is required, they also help maintain an even temperature throughout the building.
Industrial Air Conditioning Solutions for Large-scale Chilling and Heating Requirements
We are able to design, install and maintain industrial systems for industrial applications, large chiller plants and boilers for production or manufacturing processes where large scale chilling or heating is required.
We have engineers with the expertise and manufacturer’s support to assess your requirement and put together a package for your industrial needs. We have strong relationships with the associated trades, who we can involve to provide a turn key package. Such trades could be building contractors, steel pipe fitters, electrical contractors, control panel specialists and insulation installers.
Industrial Humidification
We supply and install various types of stand alone package room humidifiers for use in laboratories or close control environments. We also offer stand-alone systems, which have internal humidistat controllers with a remote room or duct sensor wired back the unit.
We can design, supply and install duct-inserted humidifier systems, designed to provide steam that can then be tapped into any industrial process. This can also be used in ventilation air handlers for use in humidifying large spaces.

New Jet Spray HP, a high pressure spray humidifier systems. The Jet Spray HP are low energy in-duct humidifier systems that run on 135 times less energy than standard electric steam humidifiers and 15 times less energy than compressed air and water spray systems.
Portable Industrial Air Conditioning Systems
We can provide portable air conditioning systems to purchase or on weekly hire with delivery and collection charges. These units are robust systems for the industrial environment.